VTFireStiney: Oh, screw @InsidetheBCS. Please change your twitter screen name to @InsidetheBS if it's available.
JET_AZ: But won't that piss off Jesus? RT: @INSIDEtheBCS "The BCS gives us fantastic football from August-January and makes games bigger than life."
AuburnElvis: @INSIDEtheBCS No, no. Thank YOU, for uniting millions of football fans behind a common, noble cause.
_mldb: Which is exacltly what Bush said before invading Iraq. What, too soon? RT @INSIDEtheBCS: Tks for all the suggestions!
bigdeadsidebar: @INSIDEtheBCS Does the "thanks for all the suggestions" include the
suggestion for a playoff system?
ClayTravisBGID: @insidethebcs responds to the World Cup: "32 teams! The regular season
means nothing. No one will watch all these games."
TimCary: This #worldcupdraw is taking so long, I'm ready to scrap the whole thing and let @InsidetheBCS pick 2 random teams to play for the title...
genebromberg: Billions are about to watch the World Cup draw...why not just have Brazil and Spain play for the Cup right now? Right @InsidetheBCS??
pigskinpundit: @playoffsnow Apparently, @INSIDEtheBCS thinks that college football before 1998 was dull, boring and unexciting. For shame for a "CFB fan."
playoffsnow: What the hell does that even mean? Please explain. RT @INSIDEtheBCS "The BCS... makes games bigger than life."
RadicalRuss: Every morning, I sit on the toilet with my BlackBerry, reading @InsidetheBCS. It seems apropos, since we're both producing the same thing.
renmiked: @INSIDEtheBCS this sounds alot like the propaganda during the Bush years. We can't have playoff or the terrorists win. Right, Ari.
BenjaminJDawson: Did @INSIDEtheBCS really cite a Bleacher Report article? Were there no bums outside their office to quote this morning?
mzemek: @INSIDEtheBCS: Bigger-than-life games such as the 2001 Sugar Bowl, when fewer than 65,000 went to the Superdome for Miami vs. Florida???
strully: @INSIDEtheBCS No, coll FB gives us fantastic FB Aug-Jan. That's like saying the TSA is great because flying is really fun.
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