Saturday, December 12, 2009

The best of @insidethebcs on Twitter--part 3!!

worstfan: Just watching a little playoff college football. I guess that makes me a bracket creep, eh @InsideTheBCS? #imaweirdowhatthehellamidoinghere

playoffsnow: Good thing they have PLENTY of time- Right @INSIDEtheBCS? RT @IdahoStatesman Boise seeks efficient, effective bowl prep

playoffsnow: Hey @INSIDEtheBCS -- RT @dpshow 1-AA playoffs tonight...meaningful football, not an exhibition where the players get a bag full of ipods.

HolterMedia: Love that BCS games are soooooooo important that a coach would stick around to take part it in it. @insidethebcs #fail

longhornderek: Hey @InsidetheBCS! If bowls are for the fans, how come only 41% of the tickets for the BCS game went to the 2 schools?

NettyLac: Poor @AriFleischer. I think he's found something harder than George Bush to defend. Didn't think that was possible! @insidetheBCS

OntheDLpodcast: The system works @INSIDEtheBCS! RT @RockabyeArena: UF students have not even bought 1,000 Sugar Bowl tickets yet.

ng11787: I enjoy watching @insidetheBCS fail on twitter. First they call Cowlishaw a "top" sports columnist (wtf) and then butchers the link.

ahnington: @ItsTopCat @INSIDEtheBCS says you're a top columnist. Thats like getting an endorsement from an illiterate on your writing

ravensfan40: @INSIDEtheBCS Having Tim Cowlishaw defend your program is like hiring Ari Fleischer to work on your image. Oh wait...

tyhildenbrandt: @INSIDEtheBCS Spend your tweets trumpeting the advantages of your own system instead of the cons of a playoff. You won't look so insecure.

BroderickMoore: Edited RT @INSIDEtheBCS: luddite Tim Cowlishaw describes problems of trying a playoff in college football

MichaelWeinreb: @INSIDEtheBCS Do you even bother to read the articles you repost? Hint: When someone says, "It's a stupid system," they are not advocating.

mjbtompkins: Marketing & PR programs should make a case study of @INSIDEtheBCS for failures in making your argument to better your brand/position.

FourthAndDumb: @INSIDEtheBCS The guy in The Crucible was actually crushed to death, not by stones or even the witch hunt, but by too much football.

UKFootballCrew: @INSIDEtheBCS Instead, check out and realize a REPUBLICAN of all people is coming after you guys!!! LOL

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